Daniel Craig has raised eyebrows and made headlines with his comments about his latest film, ‘Spectre’, and his time with the ‘James Bond’ franchise.
Daniel Craig has raised eyebrows and made headlines with his comments about his latest film, ‘Spectre’, and his time with the ‘James Bond’ franchise.
A recent determination by the Employment Relations Authority has widened the avenues for which an employee may challenge a redundancy.
We all have those mornings. The rain is bucketing down outside, it’s warm and cosy inside, and the motivation to go to work is utterly absent.
Having just passed the middle of the year, there is opportunity for workplaces to organise “mid-winter Christmases” or similar events to celebrate workers surviving the trials and tribulations of six months at the coalface. The responsibilities of employers around alcohol consumption at work parties have come into focus since the Australian Fair Work Commission ruled that an employee who drunkenly abused his bosses and co-workers was unfairly dismissed.