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Peter Jackson resigns as Weta Workshop director  - Health and Safety to blame

New Health and Safety legislation has prompted Sir Peter Jackson to resign as a director of Weta Workshop. The design studio founded in 1987 and made famous by the Lord of the Rings trilogy has won five Academy Awards and is now a tourist destination. As of 31 December 2015, Peter Jackson, along with fellow Oscar winner Jamie Selkirk, stepped down from being a director of the Miramar studio but both remain shareholders. Other directors, including Sir Richard Taylor, one of Weta Workshop’s founders, are staying put.

Fired for Being Too Fat

The summer months at the start of the year are invariably when each of us thinks about getting fit and losing weight. We make resolutions, we dream, we plan. Some even follow through by pounding the pavement or biting down on a salad, but by the time March rolls around most of us are right back where we started. Because we understand this struggle, the news that it is possible to be fired for being too fat may be frightening for many.